Happy Apple

meaghan's world

got album submissions, mailing lists, love letters ? - msweiley at gmail dot com


hello☺ my name is meaghan. i often have my fingers in multiple pies. they are as follows:

✿ a band called "dragnet" ~ our latest album the accession is out now. ig: @allrisefordragnet

✿ a casual voice on 3RRR 102.7FM, broadcast on naarm / wurundjeri woi wurrung land (melbourne, victoria, australia)

current shows: ~doing fills atm

past shows: high tide, the aquarium

you might tune in & hear me on: double bounce, frantic items, press colour, bright lights, teenage hate, uncommon sense, local and/or general

✿ a sometimes "music newsletter" titled songs from the big chair. (link in sidebar)
